Data Lake Architecture

Data Lake Architecture

Introduction  Data lake architecture is designed to help big data of businesses generate new growth opportunities, outperform existing competitors, and provide a seamless customer experience. However, to get the best out of data and thrive in this digital world, enterprises should possess well-curated, good quality data lakes that will empower digital transformation across an enterprise. … Read more

Business Intelligence Benefits | Applications and BI tools

Business Intelligence Benefits

Business intelligence benefits explain the advantages provided by technology based tools that helps the organisation to take predictive decisions. There are various applications of BI along with few examples explained. Moreover, the business intelligence tools are few options discussed that are opted by companies to improve their business.

Computerized Inventory Software

Computerized Inventory Software

Computerized Inventory Software is reffered to system which manages the inventory system easily. In this blog we will discuss the inventory management system, warehouse management, advantages, disadvantages and software examples

Data Warehouse VS Data Mart VS Data Lake

Data Warehouse vs Data Mart

Data warehouse vs data mart are two different topics as data mart is a subset of the data warehouse. It divides them into small units which are called data marts. So, in this blog, we will understand what is data warehouse whole it is different from other terms like database, data mart, data lake.

What Is Primary Storage

What Is Primary Storage

What is primary storage? It is referred to as the main memory or internal memory which is located in the motherboard of the CPU. Here are the different types and its comparison with secondary storage

Emerging Enterprise Network Applications And Technologies

Emerging Enterprise Network Applications

Introduction Emerging enterprise network applications are constantly changing with the advancement in technology. So, in this blog, you will get an understanding of what is an enterprise network, about enterprise networking architecture. Afterwards, there will topic of currently emerging technologies in networking- their meaning and what will be their application in an organization. Later, the … Read more

Some common BI Tools