Reverse Annuity Mortgage

Reverse Annuity Mortgage

Introduction Reverse annuity mortgage is referred to as a loan against the value of your home. It provides equity against your home without selling or moving out from your home. Plus, it provides more flexibility than other reverse mortgages. It proves to be beneficial for retired people to live their retirement as they dreamed of. … Read more

Dip Financing (DIP)- A Complete Guide

DIP Financing

Introduction  Dip Financing refers to debtor in possession(DIP) financing, a form of financing that is provided to companies that filed for bankruptcy. It provides capital funding for companies which are surviving in bankruptcy. In this blog on DIP financing, you will learn about what is a debtor in Possession (DIP) Financing, the procedure and the … Read more

Difference Between Bail and Bond

Difference Between Bail And Bond

Difference between bail and bond can be highlighted by using various parameters like nature of money, definition of both concepts etc. Bail explains the security of assurance to release a convict from police custody temporarily until he has to appear for the court judgement while involving 3rd party is termed as bond.

Annuity Due Table | Ordinary Annuity And Annuity Due

Annuity Due Table

Annuity due table refers to the method through which an investor gets quick reference about how the investment must be planned keeping the time value of money in mind. However, the table is different in both present and future value of annuity due along with a brief explaination about annuity due vs ordinary due.

Present Value of Annuity Due Table | Annuity Due

Present Value of Annuity Due Table

Present value of annuity due table is a method that gives a quick reference to calculate present value of annuities. The discussion gives a brief about annuity and its kind in detail. Present value talks about the figure after specified period with respect to current value.

3 Stages Of Money Laundering

Money Laundering

3 stages of money laundering describe the activities and the process, how a criminal organization performs series of activities to make the illegal money look clean. As the entire process is illegal and punishable in almost every country of the world. So, in this blog, we will explain how the process usually takes place and how the world started initiated to make all these 3 stages of money laundering illegal.

What is Prime Broker?- Services And Prime Brokerage Agreement

What is Prime Broker

Prime Brokers basically refers to large bank or investment company providing services to hedge funds like risk management, settlements etc. The prime brokerage agrreent happens with the helps of prime brokers for which they charge fees. Also, there are some roles and services of prime brokers that are discussed.

Mutual funds vs Hedge funds- Difference & Its Benefits

The concept of mutual funds vs hedge funds determines the points of differences between the two terminologies. The basis for the same can be flexibility, investors, objectives, fund manager, redemption, fees and so on. This classifies that though both the funds need investment and are adopted for earning returns yet they stand at different places in the market.

Prime Broker Account- Role And Services

Prime Broker Account

Prime broker account mainly acts as an intermediary which can be an investment company or a large bank offering services relating to hedge funds. The service can be online trade execution, securities lending, risk management etc. There are various kinds of prime brokers in the market depending upon the requirements of the client.

Margin of Safety Percentage

Margin of Safety

Overview of margin of safety percentage Margin of safety percentage refers to the method by which the margin of safety is calculated. As a result, there needs to be a brief understanding of the break-even analysis and the concept of margin of safety which are as follows: Break-even point  The break-even level or break-even point (base … Read more

Some common BI Tools