All You Need to Know About Umbrella Branding

Umbrella Branding

Umbrella branding marketing practice involves the use of a single brand name for the sale of two or more related products. It is mainly used by companies with a positive brand equity. What Is Umbrella Branding?  Umbrella brand meaning refers to taking undue advantage of a single brand name and logo to make the sales of different … Read more

Brand Leveraging

Brand Leveraging

Brand leveraging is a strategy that organizations use to leverage their new product by taking advantage of the current brand in the same category. When a brand is introducing a new product leveraging a brand can be a supporter in its initial stage. Brand extension is one of the most obvious steps for a business … Read more

Strategic Brand Development – Everything You Need To Know About

Strategic Brand Development

Strategic brand development helps brands to get their products or services global recognition. The term “strategic” signifies that the process deals with long-term plans and assets of a brand. This includes integrative and sustainable policies that aid a company to create, develop and manage its brand. What Is Strategic Brand Development? Strategic brand development creates … Read more

Brand Repositioning & product Repositioning

Brand Repositioning

Brands are built to serve the customers their best and become appealing to them. All the brands have to offer in-demand benefits to their customers, and during this process, all the brands suffer a lot of ups and downs. In the downfall phases of the brands, they have to fight to regain their existing brand … Read more

Societal Marketing Concept

Societal Marketing Concept

Societal marketing concept says that prioritizing consumers’ and society’s interests rather than just thinking about the company’s benefit, no matter what the way is. Societal marketing strategy teaches the organization to consider consumer’s wants, society’s interests, and obviously, the company’s benefit to be more socially and environmentally responsible and build a better image in the … Read more

5 P’s of Marketing- An Ultimate Guide

5 P's of Marketing- An Ultimate Guide

Marketing is a crucial component of any business. It encourages the brand to grow and achieve the heights of success. It will make your brand out in the market. The 5 P’s of Marketing is one of the elements of the marketing process. 5 P’s of the marketing mix is one of the most effective marketing … Read more

Channel Management Definition- Types and Process

Channel Management Definition

Channel management definition refers to the technique of choosing an efficient channel partner. Also there are different types of channel management and channel management strategy for easy functioning of the channel partners or intermediaries.

Telemarketing Meaning – Advantages and disadvantages

Telemarketing Meaning

Telemarketing meaning explains the contact between the company employees and leads to sell or promote their product. There are two types of telemarket, one inbound and the other outbound which is talked about in brief through different telemarketing examples quoted. Also the advantages and disadvantages of the concept can be studied.

Sales Organisation Structures- Types And Models

Sales Organisation Structure

Sales organisation structures refers to segmentation of sales team by the companies to improve coordination and ensure specialization of work. Furthermore, there are three structure models to specify how individuals work and four structures to depict the division of company sales department.

Marketing Info Management Definition, Importance And Examples

Marketing Info Management Definition

Marketing info management definition includes a role of marketing information system which provides a system to store all data. However, the marketing information management function has a broader concept to make decisions of the market research organised by the company. It includes distributing the information to the marketers. So that they can make future strategies and reduce mistakes to earn profits or reduce risk.

CRM Analytic | Types and Examples

CRM Analytic

CRM analytics takes into account the customer relationship management in brief by demonstrating the company’s database for efficient decision making in the future. However, there are various industries offering this service for better understanding of the client’s business like ZOHO, SAP etc.

Some common BI Tools